Design department buildings
In the 1950s, SIU bought World
War II surplus barracks and moved
them to campus. Most were used
for student or married housing. In
1960, the department took over
four barracks for use as
classrooms and office space.
Four Domes were built in between
the outermost pairs of barracks
and the space between the center
pair of barracks was roofed over to
form the “Space Between.” The
“Space Between” was an
experimental, low-cost ($1 per
square foot), and utilitarian
In the 1960s the “Space Between”
was renovated with stained lath
trim, defined seating and exhibition
areas, and a connecting bridge at floor level between the center pair of barracks.
In the late 1960s, students designed a Frei Otto-style tension tent structure to replace the auditorium in the
“Space Between.”
Design at Southern Illinois University
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