in the universe," about the same time I did.
The earth is a small spaceship.
The equator speeds around at 1000 miles and hour and
The whole planet speeds around the sun at a speed of a million miles a day.
The rim speed of rotation of our galaxy is tremendous and
the speed of the whole galaxy traveling through space is phenomenal.
Non-simultaneity means that this room, all radiations, all atomic frequencies are non simultaneous.
There is no logical, composite picture of anything.
There is no inherent associability.
Some of the stars you "see" are in your stomach.
All words are attempts to tell experience
but like universe you can take all words and make coherent sentences.
There is no ideal moment, no instantenaiety.
Thought is small field differentiation.
How fast (much) are the total
patterns tied in local knots so
that they appear static.
On earth (spaceship) it means
getting supplies.
The Red Shift
Harlow Shapley is associated
with the red shift.
Red glow at night is bending
of light.
We now know we have an
expanding universe because
we discovered the red shift far
Like the childhood tension
experience where we discover
that tension straightens while
compression curls things up.
What is Generalization in Science?
Something that always persists.
In the humanities it doesn't mean much.
Mathematics is not generalizable, it's only good for local patterns.
Boolean mathematics is only generalizable with multiplication.
Math people play decent games but they are not generalizable. Many of them are not legitimate or
The Law of the Increase of the Random Element
Entropy to mathematicians.
It matches the fallout and takes up more space. According to Eddington we get
100,000 tons
of stardust daily and the earth's weight increases.
March 1965 Buckminster Fuller Lecture Notes - Page 3 of 6
photo by Dale Carlson
Design at Southern Illinois University
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